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What is aerial yoga?Aerial yoga is incorporates an aerial hammock, “silk”, as a prop as students flow through traditional yoga sequencing. The silk allows students to increase their flexibility and go deeper in traditional asanas, all while improving balance and core strength. Students experience many asanas, such as inversions, that create increased strength and focus. Students are able to invert many of their traditional asanas, alleviating stress and pressure on the spinal chord – allowing a complete decompression. This method of practicing yoga inversions promotes stress relief, facilitates detoxifying effects, can help improve posture, and may even help students overcome fears! In addition to the benefits of yoga, aerial yoga incorporates various wraps that gently massage and stimulate the lymph nodes, facilitating powerful detoxifying effects.
Who can participate?Everyone in good health can benefit from our aerial yoga classes and no previous aerial, acrobatic, or yoga experience is necessary! Whether you are a beginner or an instructor, you are invited to become a member of the Elevate family! We have teachers of varying backgrounds that all have extensive experience, training and styles they bring into their classes! As with all exercise programs, we strongly advise anyone experiencing any kind of medical condition or injury to consult their doctor before beginning aerial yoga.
What class should I take first?Students who are new to are studio have a few options to get started. One of these options is required for all students who are new to our studio. This is to ensure you have the best experience when joining our classes. Option 1 (local residents only): Our in studio 2-week Aerial Yoga Foundations series teaches students new to our studio the core foundations of an aerial yoga practice and provides a safe and engaging environment to learn in alongside a small group of other students. This option is strongly recommended for anyone new to the studio and new to an aerial yoga practice. Click here to get started. Option 2 (recommended for visitors): Our All Levels class is intended to accommodate everyone from beginner level to seasoned aerial yogis. We do ask that those new to the studio opting to enroll in this class arrive 10 minutes early so we can review the basics with you. Click on our schedule to book these classes. There is limited availability in this class. If you are looking for additional private booking times, please contact us: Option 3 (recommended for those that prefer more 1 on 1 support to get started): With private one-on-one classes, one of our instructors will help guide you through the foundations of an aerial yoga practice and answer any questions you may have, and make recommendations in terms of the classes that will best meet your goals. Click on Our Classes > Private Sessions to book.
What should I bring to class?1) Yoga Mat Because we are aerial yoga, not aerial arts, we do still use yoga mats. Because you will still spend time on the ground, you will want to bring a yoga mat. We do have mats available for rent; however, we strongly recommend that you bring your own mat. 2) Water Stay hydrated! It's hot in the desert so we encourage students to bring water. We do have a water filling station so at minimum, bring a water bottle and we can fill it up for you. We also encourage students to try to practice yoga on an empty stomach, but keep in mind you will be moving, twisting and practicing inversions! Eat smart throughout the day prior to class. That's it! If you have other props you like to use in your yoga practice you are welcome to bring them along but it's not required.
What should I wear to class?Always wear comfortable clothing that breathes. New aerial students may also want to wear a shirt that covers the underarms and long pants, as some of the poses and transitions may be uncomfortable at first. We also suggest women wear a properly fitted sports bra, as wardrobe issues during inversions and transitions are not uncommon. Similar to traditional yoga, aerial yoga is practiced barefoot, so leave your shoes and worries at the door! Additionally, we ask students remove jewelry of any kind, including earrings and avoid wearing clothing with gems, sequins, glitter, or other sharp or abrasive surfaces.
What if I'm running late?We ask that students arrive 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This allows us time to get you checked in and adjust your silk to the proper height. This also helps us be able to start class on time. If you are running late, please contact our front desk via text message at (480) 680-7617 prior to class to see if you can be accommodated or rescheduled for another class. We apologize for any inconvenience, but arriving late to class is disruptive to other students. Arriving late and participating while not warmed up can also be unsafe and may result in injury. For our harmonic sound classes and restorative yoga classes, we have a strict policy around late arrivals and students are not permitted to enter class late, once class has started.
Is aerial yoga safe?We take the safety of our students and instructors very serious! We treat aerial yoga no different than any other form of exercise, of which all entail some level of risk. Our aerial yoga silks are rigged to hold up to 2,000 lbs. and each instructor is trained on assisting students on safely entering and exiting the silks. The most common cause of discomfort during class is the compression of the silk on the skin itself. The body is full of toxins and when you first begin your aerial yoga practice, the discomfort you feel is the body’s way of working the toxins out. Some people may also experience dizziness as a result of inverting. We take time during each class to ensure students are given time to ground themselves and breath after each inversion. After time, the discomfort and dizziness will be less frequent as your body gets used to the compressions on the skin and the inversions. If you do have any existing medical issues, injuries, or other concerns, ensure you discuss with the instructor before beginning class.
Is there a weight limit?The short answer, no. We generally advise students between 250-300lbs that there will be additional pressure from the hammock and we'll be there to help them make modifications or add padding as needed! We suggest this based on the feedback we've received from students over the years as well as observing how it is often necessary to maneuver differently and be aware of joint angles when your body parts have more mass.
What are the benefits of aerial yoga?When practicing aerial yoga, you can expect the same benefits as a traditional yoga practice and more! In our aerial yoga classes, we combine your traditional yoga asanas with the use of the aerial silk as a prop. This allows students to have added support as they are able to go deeper into their stretches, increase pulling strength and defying gravity by hanging upside down. It also makes many traditional asanas more accessible to the average person (think handstands). Here are some of the top benefits you can expect to experience in our classes: a total body workout, decreased stress, improved flexibility, relief from back pain, increased strength and balance, and improved digestion, blood circulation, and memory.
Is there an age limit?The short answer, no! Our studio is open to all ages, old and young. For parents wanting to bring their kiddos along, we do allow this. For the younger kids, we just ask that parents use discretion. Classes are typically 60-minutes long and if they're attention span is good to go for a 60-minute class, they are welcome to participate.
Do I need to bring my own aerial hammock?No! We do have aerial hammocks available for all students to use when visiting the studio. All of our aerial hammocks are laundered prior to arrival and will be hanging and ready for you to use. We do offer a B.Y.O.H. (Bring Your Own Hammock) program and encourage students to take advantage of it! This not only helps you connect more to your practice by using your own hammock, but it helps us reduce water waste through doing less laundry.
What are Aerial Silks?Aerial Silks incorporates the use of an aerial silk. What to expect... Warm up with mat-based Yoga and grounded conditioning Learn fundamental shapes, wraps, basic climbs, inversions and vocabulary Build confidence in the foundations of Aerial Silks to prepare you to move into Aerial Silks classes
Who can participate?Everyone in good health can benefit from our aerial silks classes and no previous aerial, acrobatic, or yoga experience is necessary! Whether you are a beginner or an instructor, you are invited to become a member of the Elevate family! We have teachers of varying backgrounds that all have extensive experience, training and styles they bring into their classes! As with all exercise programs, we strongly advise anyone experiencing any kind of medical condition or injury to consult their doctor before beginning aerial silks.
What class should I take first?Students who are new to are studio or who are existing students, but new to aerial silks will start with our Aerial Silks Foundations classes. Typically it is recommended students take 3-5 foundations classes before joining our Silks classes. The teacher will be able to work with you to determine when you are ready to graduate from foundations.
What should I bring to class?1) Yoga Mat We do still use yoga mats. We'll begin and end class on the ground, so you will want to bring a yoga mat. We do have mats available for rent; however, we strongly recommend that you bring your own mat. 2) Water Stay hydrated! It's hot in the desert so we encourage students to bring water. We do have a water filling station so at minimum, bring a water bottle and we can fill it up for you. We also encourage students to try to practice yoga on an empty stomach, but keep in mind you will be moving, twisting and practicing inversions! Eat smart throughout the day prior to class. That's it! If you have other props you like to use in your practice you are welcome to bring them along but it's not required.
What should I wear to class?Always wear comfortable clothing that breathes. New aerial students may also want to wear a shirt that covers the underarms and long pants, as some of the shapes, skills and transitions may be uncomfortable at first. We also suggest women wear a properly fitted sports bra, as wardrobe issues during inversions and transitions are not uncommon. Aerial silks is practiced barefoot, so leave your shoes and worries at the door! Additionally, we ask students remove jewelry of any kind, including earrings and avoid wearing clothing with gems, sequins, glitter, or other sharp or abrasive surfaces.
What if I am running late?We ask that students arrive 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This allows us time to get you checked in and also helps us be able to start class on time. If you are running late, please contact our front desk via text message at (480) 680-7617 prior to class to see if you can be accommodated or rescheduled for another class. We apologize for any inconvenience, but arriving late to class is disruptive to other students. Arriving late and participating while not warmed up can also be unsafe and may result in injury.
Is aerial silks safe?We take the safety of our students and instructors very serious! We treat aerial silks no different than any other form of exercise, of which all entail some level of risk. Each instructor is trained on assisting students on safely navigating the silks. The most common cause of discomfort during class is the compression of the silk on the skin itself. The body is full of toxins and when you first begin your practice, the discomfort you feel is the body’s way of working the toxins out. Some people may also experience dizziness as a result of inverting. We take time during each class to ensure students are given time to ground themselves and breath after each inversion. After time, the discomfort and dizziness will be less frequent as your body gets used to the compressions on the skin and the inversions. If you do have any existing medical issues, injuries, or other concerns, ensure you discuss with the instructor before beginning class.
Do I need a lot of upper body strength?We get this question ALL the time. The vast majority of new students that we get in our classes don't have a lot of upper body strength when they start out. We start easy techniques that don't require much upper body strength. We keep our class sizes very small so that we can personalize our lessons plans for each student, and everyone can progress at their own rate. A lot people are intimidated by the idea of trying aerial silks class, but our Aerial Silks Foundations classes are designed for everyONE and everyBODY in mind.
Is there a weight limit?The short answer? No! Yes, the aerial silks will hold you! We generally advise students between 250-300lbs that there will be additional pressure from the hammock and we'll be there to help them make modifications or add padding as needed! We suggest this based on the feedback we've received from students over the years as well as observing how it is often necessary to maneuver differently and be aware of joint angles when your body parts have more mass.
Is there an age limit?The short answer, no! Our studio is open to all ages, old and young. For parents wanting to bring their kiddos along, we do allow this. For the younger kids, we just ask that parents use discretion. Classes are typically 60-minutes long and if they're attention span is good to go for a 60-minute class, they are welcome to participate.
Are these classes good for beginners?All of our restore and meditate classes are great for beginners and seasoned meditators alike. Our teachers are trained at helping everyone – from novices to experienced meditators. The most important thing is that you make restorative yoga meditation a regular part of your routine which our classes can help you get started with.
What should I bring to class?Although we do use the aerial hammock, we often spend time on the ground so you will want to bring a yoga mat with you. We have a limited number of mats available for rent if you do not have a mat. We do offer blankets, bolsters and blocks but encourage students to bring any other props with them they may like to use such as additional blankets, bolsters, blocks, sand bags, etc.
What should I wear to class?Always wear comfortable clothing that breathes. We'll do very gentle movement, but spend most of the time resting in supportive shapes so as long as you are comfortable, that is what matters. Because we spend so much time in stillness, the body can easily get cold so we do recommend bringing layers to stay comfortable. Similar to traditional yoga, these classes are practiced barefoot, so leave your shoes and worries at the door! Additionally, we ask students remove jewelry of any kind, including earrings and avoid wearing clothing with gems, sequins, glitter, or other sharp or abrasive surfaces. You may opt to wear socks for this class.
What if I'm running late?We ask that students arrive 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This allows us time to get you checked in and settled. This also helps us be able to start class on time. We apologize for any inconvenience, but arriving late to class is disruptive to other students and for these classes specifically, we have a strict policy around late arrivals and will not permit entry to the class once class has started.
Is there an age limit?The short answer, no! Our studio is open to all ages, old and young. For parents wanting to bring their kiddos along, we do allow this. For the younger kids, we just ask that parents use discretion. Classes are typically between 45- and 60-minutes long and if they're attention span is good to go for this amount of time, they are welcome to participate.
Do I need to bring my own aerial hammock?No! We have aerial hammocks available for all students to use when visiting the studio. All of our aerial hammocks are laundered prior to arrival and will be hanging and ready for you to use. If you do prefer to bring your own hammock, ask us about our B.Y.O.H. (Bring Your Own Hammock) program!
What if I fall asleep?It’s not the end of the world if you do, but sleeping and meditating are very different activities. When you’re meditating, you’re actively training your brain. Dozing off won’t help you build mental fitness. If you do drift off your teacher will gently wake you. Here are a few things you can do to stay awake: Maintain upright shapes instead of laying down Avoid eating within a few hours of class Keep your eyes softly open with a gaze at something still in front of you Use a scent such as a citrus or peppermint essential oil to activate your brain Drink a bit of coffee, juice or tea (just not too much to where you are overstimulated)
Do I need to pre-register?Yes. We are strictly an appointment based studio so we do require that all students pre-register using our online booking system. This is important due to having a limited number of spots available for each class and walk ins are not guaranteed a spot will be available.
How do I pre-register?It's easy! Simply click on 'schedule' from our menu, navigate to the day and time for the class you'd like to attend and click 'book'. If it is your first time attending our studio the class may require a pre-req be attended. Those new to Aerial Yoga classes will need to first attend our Aerial Yoga Foundations and those new to Aerial Silks classes will need to first attend our Aerial Silks Foundations. If you have been to our studio before, but it is your first time booking with the Momence system, enter your email address and click 'forgot password' to set your password before logging in and booking. If you are already registered with us, simply log into your account! Pro tip: The easiest way to book and manage your classes is to download the Momence mobile app.
What if there is a waitlist?If a class is full you can add yourself to the waitlist. It will require you enter a payment method. If a space opens up in a class, you will receive an email and a text message inviting to book yourself into class. You will have 15-minutes to opt in or out of class. If a spot is not opened up and you purchased a single class pass, the pass will be available on your account for you to book another class within 1 year from the purchase date. NOTE: If you are still on the waitlist within 1 hour of class starting, please contact us via text at (480) 680-7617 to see if attendance can be accommodated. We will not accept walk ins that are on the waitlist.
What if I can't make it?If you can not make it to your session, please ensure that you cancel your registration via the Momence mobile app or via our booking system on your browser with at least a 4-hour notice. Note, this policy is specific to all classes. Some special events and workshops may have a different cancellation policy. Due to limited capacity, this policy is strictly enforced. We are often on a waitlist, so when students cancel late or no show, this impacts other students that may not have been able to register for the class. For late cancellations and no shows there may be a $10 fee and your class credit may forfeited. In this case of an emergency that was not able to be prevented, please text the studio at (480) 680-7617 so we can remove you from the schedule to avoid the fee. NOTE: If you are a parent managing a child's booking, follow these steps in the mobile app to cancel their booking: ・Click on 'Account' ・Click on 'My Children's Events' ・Click on the upcoming events button ・Click the 'Cancel' button next to the class you would like to cancel
Do you have a mobile app?We sure do! You can download it from your app store. It's called Momence (or use the links below). This is the best place to book classes and manage your schedule.
Can I book for someone else?Yes! If you are booking a special event, workshop, or class series (such as New Member Series), there will be a 'Send as Gift' next to the registration information (if you are unable to find, contact us and we can help). If you are trying to book a class for a friend, first add them to your account as a child (if the friend isn't actually a child you'll be able to release them from your account at a later time so they can book for themselves): ・Click on 'Account' ・Click on 'Add Child Account' ・Input the friend's first name, last name and email address ・Click 'Create' Next, to book a class for them: ・Click 'Home' ・Click 'Elevate Yoga & Wellness' under Book ・Click 'Schedule' ・Navigate to the class you'd like to book and click 'Book' ・Under 'Buy For' click 'This Account' and select the friend you want to book for ・Click 'Book With Card' and follow the check out steps to complete booking NOTE: If you are booking for a family member that has a membership, or if you have buddy passes on your account, select 'Book using subscription' to select the corresponding membership / pass. Questions? Be sure to reach out and we'd be happy to help!
Where is the studio located?We are located in the Gold Spot building on the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Roosevelt in Phoenix. Our studio is located in the center of the building, between First & Last and Pita Jungle. We have two entrances to our studio and you will enter directly into the classroom you are booked. Our Earth room is located along 3rd Avenue and our Air room is located on the back side of the building across from the parking garage. NOTE: Our studio room doors remain locked during class. They will be unlocked only during the 15-minute timeframe prior to class starting. We ask that students do not knock on the windows / doors as there may be a class in session.
Where do I park?Free parking is available in the Gold Spot parking garage which is located behind the building and a few 1-hour spots are available along the backside of the building. Additionally, there is non-metered parking is available along 3rd Ave, Roosevelt St, Portland St and 2nd Ave.
What time is check in?We require all students to arrive 10 minutes prior to the class time. That’s just enough time to check in with our team, use the restroom if needed, take off your shoes and place all of your belongings in a cubby, have your hammock fitted (if applicable) and get settled before class. Doors are unlocked at least 15 minutes prior to your class start time to allow ample time to arrive and get settled. To ensure a positive experience for all students, classes begin promptly at their scheduled start times. Once the class room door is closed, students will not be permitted to enter the classroom and we ask that students do not knock on the windows / doors.
What if I'm running late?We ask that students arrive 10 – 15 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This allows the instructor time to get you checked in and adjust your silk to the proper height. This also helps us be able to start class on time. If you are running late, and you signed up via our booking system (Momence) please contact us via text message at (480) 680-7617 and if you signed up another way (not via Momence) please text message us at (602) 456-2762 prior to class to see if you can be accommodated or rescheduled for another class. Because we are located near downtown, and traffic can be congested during peak hours, students should always plan ahead to make sure they're able to get to class on time. We do lock the doors at class start time and do not allow late entries. We apologize for any inconvenience, but arriving late to class is disruptive to other students and we will ask you to reschedule your booking. Additionally, arriving late and participating while not warmed up can also be unsafe and may result in injury.
Where do I enter the studio?You will enter directly into the studio room you are booked in. It's important you pay attention to your confirmation and reminder emails to know which room you are booked in. We strongly encourage all students check the mobile app (Momence) to confirm which room you are booked into prior to arrival. If you are booked in EARTH you will enter via the 3rd Ave entrance. If you are booked in AIR you will enter via the door located across from the parking garage along the back of the building. NOTE: Please do NOT knock on the windows / doors when the doors are locked as their may be a class in session. Knocking can be disruptive to those who are in class. The doors will be unlocked 15-minutes prior to your class start time.
Can I take pictures?Our students tend to have so much fun they want to capture the moment on camera! We do encourage this, but please be courteous of your fellow classmates and wait until after class to take pictures. We’ll be happy to help you get back into your favorite poses and capture the perfect picture for you to take with you so you brag to everyone about how much fun you had!
What if I'm running late?We ask that students arrive 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start. This allows us time to get you checked in and adjust your silk to the proper height. This also helps us be able to start class on time. If you are running late, please contact us via text message at (480) 680-7617 prior to class to see if you can be accommodated or rescheduled for another class. We apologize for any inconvenience, but arriving late to class is disruptive to other students. Arriving late and participating while not warmed up can also be unsafe and may result in injury. For our harmonic sound classes and restorative yoga classes, we have a strict policy around late arrivals and students will not be permitted to enter class late once class has started.
What if I need to cancel?If you can not make it to your session, please ensure that you cancel your registration via the mobile app Momence or via our booking system on your browser with at least a 4-hour notice. Note, this policy is specific to all classes. Some special events and workshops may have a different cancellation policy. Due to limited capacity, this policy is strictly enforced. We are often on a waitlist, so when students cancel late or no show, this impacts other students that may not have been able to register for the class. For late cancellations and no shows there is a $10 fee and credit is forfeited. The only exception to this policy is if you are cancelling due to a COVID exposure. In this case, please text the studio at (602) 456-2762 so we can remove you from the schedule to avoid the fee. If cancelling with at least a 4-hour notice, class credit and / or amount paid for the class will be credited back to your account in our booking system. Your credit can be used to book a future class with us.
What time should I arrive for my class?For most classes, we require all students to arrive 10 minutes prior to the class time. That’s just enough time to use take off your shoes, use the restroom if needed, have your hammock fitted and get settled before class. We do not unlock the doors prior to this to allow ample time to disinfect the studio, clean up from the previous session and prepare the studio for class. To ensure a positive experience for all students, classes begin promptly at their scheduled start times. Once the door is closed, no guests can enter the studio. This is because we are a 1-room studio and we do not have a dedicated lobby area. Once the door is closed, it will remain closed unless an emergency arises, or at the discretion of staff.

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