Welcome to day 3 of our #ElevatedSocialDistancing challenge. Today, Brooke talks to us about how to create a sacred space at home to practice yoga and meditation in. Creating your own sacred space lets you express your very human need for ongoing nourishment. Whether it's at home, at work or in some "third space" such as a hotel room when traveling, everyone can benefit from creating places where they intentionally choose what surrounds them.
Before you get started, here are some things to consider:
Decide what you want from your space
Find inspiration in what you love
Consider the personal reasons for wanting a sacred space
Where your sacred space will be located
The items you'd like in your personal space
Tap into your power of intuition

Get Started!
When you're ready to create your sacred space, consider all of the senses: what helps you feel calm, comforted, and at peace? When you take time to create a sacred space to practice in, you are creating room for healing and introspection, and you're inviting in a new way to connect with the light and love within your soul
Location: Find a space without (or with as few as possible) distractions
Mood: Pick lighting that works for you (natural sunlight, lamp, etc.)
Vibes: Make the space say YOU with your favorite decor, art, and belongings
Feel Good: Add some favorite smells (incense, diffuser, etc.) and sounds (music, etc.)
Set Boundaries: With yourself and those you live with
Here is your day 3 host, Brooke, walking us through more about how to create our own sacred space:
So, what's next?
Begin creating! Remember that this space is yours. Honor your heart's desires. Trust your intuition to show you where to put it, what to include, how to use it — and see where it takes you.
How do I join the challenge?
It's simple and free to join the 10-day challenge. Simply head over to our Instagram to get started. Be sure to follow each of our hosts and sponsors and then participate daily by posting your variation of the daily 'thang, tagging all hosts and sponsors and using our #ElevatedSocialDistancing tag so we can find you. At the end, there are some prizes you could win! Who doesn't love some fun prizes? And, you'll find motivation, inspiration, and maybe bring some new, healthy routines into your day.
Questions? text us (602) 456-2762 or email us hello@elevateyogaaz.com